Bunker Hill Battle Flag patch v2
$ 9.50
is back-ordered. We will ship it separately in 10 to 15 days.
In early June, 1775 colonial forces besieging Boston learned of the British plan to fortify the hills surrounding the city, which would give them control of Boston Harbor. In response, the colonial forces, numbering about 1200 and under the command of COL William Prescott began fortifying both Bunker Hill and Breeds Hill, with the majority of the fortifications on Breeds Hill. When the British learned of this, they hastily planned and executed an attack. The British began their advance on the American positions at approximately 1500 on 17 June 1775. The first and second British advances were repulsed by the Americans, however on the third advance, the Americans ran out of gunpowder and ammunition and the battle became one of close combat. While the British succeeded in forcing the Americans from Bunker and Breed's Hill, it was a pyrrhic victory at best. While the Americans sustained 450 casualties, they inflicted 1026 casualties on the British, with a disproportionate number of those being officers; this was the highest casualty count sustained by the British during any single battle of the entire war. The battle further strengthened the American resolve and showed them that inexperienced militia can go toe to toe in battle with British regulars.
We have faithfully recreated the Continental Flag (aka, Bunker Hill Flag) carried by the Americans at the Battle of Bunker Hill. While the original does not survive, John Trumbull, a colonial painter, talked to many eyewitnesses of the battle, and featured this flag in his painting, "The Battle of Bunker Hill". Designed as a battle flag and following the current military convention of wearing the colors on the right shoulder, the reverse side of the Bunker Hill Battle Flag has been faithfully recreated on this patch.
- 3"x 2"
- Embroidered
- Velcro Backed